What We Are Doing To Keep You Safe

High Kick Taekwondo - No obligation free class - all ages!

Updated 1/15/22

• No temperature checks or questionnaire is required, but we will continue to clean & disinfect surfaces each day

• Hand sanitizer is readily available

• Cleaning all common areas including the bathroom, lobby, and practice room daily

• Wipe down equipment each day with sanitizing wipes

• Our Air Purifier that kills over 99.99% of bacteria and destroys 99.68% viruses will continue to run as well.

Restrictions Lifted

What We Are Doing To Keep You Safe

Updated 1/15/2022

• No temperature checks or questionnaire is required, but we will continue to clean & disinfect surfaces each day

• Hand sanitizer is readily available

• Cleaning all common areas including the bathroom, lobby, and practice room daily

• Wipe down equipment each day with sanitizing wipes

• In addition to daily sanitizing of surfaces, door handles and common areas, we have purchased an Air Purifier that kills over 99.99% of bacteria and destroys 99.68% viruses.


Uniforms & Shoes - There will be no changing into uniforms once inside the school. Changing rooms are closed and will not be available. Please arrive in a clean uniform.

Warm Ups - We do warm ups in the beginning of all classes but encourage extra stretches, sit-ups, push-ups every day at home.

Some Good Extra Warm Ups For At Home: stretching, sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks, strength training.

Classes - Classes are back to normal.

Self-Defense - Our self-defense technique classes are back to normal. If you have concerns, please contact me and we'll leave that out for your child.

Food & Drink - Please bring your own water bottle to use. Do not bring food or snacks into the school.

Health - If you're not feeling well, please stay home. If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or have possible symptoms of COVID-19, do not come to class and report this to Master Peter Speciale. Wash your hands before you come to class. There is hand sanitizer to use after lessons as well.

Belt Promotions - Promotions will take place during class times, based on each individual. Monthly group belt promotions WILL NOT be held until further notice.

Alerts & Update - Please sign up for our Remind Alerts and / or newsletter list to stay updated. This is how we will communicate often with any changes.

Summer Camp - We WILL BE having our martial arts summer camp for the summer of 2022.

We will get through this together and come out stronger!

Thank you for your support,

Peter Speciale


  • Read More - Our Update December 12, 2021

    The Governor of NYS has declared a mask mandate until January 15, 2022. The Governor will give an update at that time if the mandate will continue. Everyone entering the building and taking classes must wear a mask regardless of vaccination status starting on Monday, December 13, 2021. We will adjust these requirements as we get more information. We thank you for your continued support during this time!

  • Read More - Our Update From June 16, 2021

    Restrictions have been lifted! 

    We now can hold more students for TKD camp, if interested get in touch ASAP! 

    Children/those who are unvaccinated please wear your mask. 

    We’ll now start to do self-defense techniques. (If you have concerns, please contact me and we’ll leave that out for your child.) 

    If all goes well, we will be going back to longer classes and sparring starting in September! 

    No temperature checks or questionnaire is required anymore but we will continue to clean & disinfect surfaces between each class for the safety of our students.

    Thank you!

  • Read More - Our Update From August 17, 2020

    We will be re-opening school our school Monday, August 24, 2020. We have waited for many months to see everyone and start our training again!  

    Please review our Re-Opening Guidelines on this page & the New Fall Schedule. Week 3 of Summer Camp is a go for August 24th as well.

    Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

    Thank You,

    Peter Speciale

  • Read More - Our Update From July 7, 2020

    We are 100% ready to re-open but as many of you have heard or seen on the news, gyms are not allowed to be opened during the Phase 4 re-opening. Our martial art school has taken all the procedures and precautions to re-open and as soon as Governor Cuomo gives the go ahead to our industry group, we will re-open! 

    Zoom Lessons Will Resume

    Any students who have been taking remote Zoom lessons will continue with their regular schedule. You don't have to do anything unless you need to re-schedule our normal meeting times.

    If you would like to schedule a Zoom lesson, please text or e-mail me as soon as possible!


    I appreciate everyone's support and patience during these unusual times.

     ï»¿ï»¿ï»¿ï»¿Stay Healthy & Stay Safe,

    Peter Speciale

  • Read More - Our Update From June 24, 2020

    As Long Island begins to reopen and move forward, we have been preparing guidelines on how to re-open our Martial Arts School and Summer Camp classes. We are committed to the health and safety of our entire martial arts family!

    Health & safety is our number one concern. 

    We have established the following guidelines and best practices for our Martial Arts School to provide our students a place to practice martial arts in a safe and protected fashion during these times.

    Our goal is to provide small group lessons based on state guidelines. We will continue to update these guidelines as more information from the State of New York becomes available as we move closer to Phase 4 of re-opening which has a tentative date of July 8th.

  • Read More - Our Update From April 13, 2020

    We have been doing our remote Zoom private lessons from home! Great job to everyone who is participating and adjusting to using technology to practice Taekwondo. If you would like to schedule a Zoom lesson, please use the Remind App and send us a message! Time slots are on a first come first serve basis.

    Remember these lessons are great to supplement you child's day with physical activity for gym/pe class.

    During this unusual time we are facing, Martial Arts will help you improve mental health and boost the immune system. Setting small goals will reinforce positive behavior!

    Stay safe and I will see you soon! 


  • Read More - Our Update From March 17, 2020

    Yesterday the official decision has been made by the State of NY that all gym facilities, such as our own, must close for the safety of everyone and to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

    Due to these guidelines & restrictions, we will be closed for the next two weeks with a tentative re-open date of Monday, March 30th. As many of you know, this situation changes on a daily basis, we do not know exactly how long this will last but we will give you regular updates to keep our students and families informed.

    We are developing resources, videos, photos and behind the scenes at-home fitness instructions on our Facebook page on how to practice Taekwondo and stay on top of your training. It is important to stay fit and keep self-motivated during this difficult time. Stay tuned for our virtual classes which can supplement your child's home-school routine!

    We will be at the school today creating some training videos and developing curriculum. Throughout this process, we would like your input on what you would like to see and practice and we will make these videos for you. If we are to flatten the curve and practice social distancing, we can still be a family and support each other through positive online communication and sharing videos of what we're practicing at home. 

    As we navigate these uncharted waters together, I appreciate your support. Just like with any obstacle, we will persevere and overcome this challenge together. 

    We are here for you and your family!

    Stay safe and I will see you soon! 


  • Read More - Our Update From March 15, 2020

    At High Kick Taekwondo it is our promise to offer a healthy and safe space where you can train. With some of our local school districts being closed, we will try running a short week. We will be closed on Monday 3/16 and Wednesday 3/18. Classes will run a normal schedule on Tuesday and Thursday. Every day we will reassess the situation and adjust accordingly. Thank you again for all your support and understanding.

  • Read More - Our Update From March 14, 2020

    Due to Covid-19 concerns, going forward all classes will be modified to keep personal contact to a minimum. 

    For the next few weeks we will not be performing self defense moves (which include hands on techniques), no dodgeball, and sparring classes are cancelled. 

    All students are to keep hands to themselves and practice good hygiene. 

    Please stay home if your not feeling well or coughing. 

    Our goal is to keep our Taekwondo family involved but safe and healthy! If further limitations or class reductions are needed you will be notified ASAP! Thank you for your support and understanding at this difficult time!

  • Read More - Our Update From March 10, 2020

    While there have been NO confirmed cases in High Kick Taekwondo School, Sayville/Sachem School District or the Surrounding Communities at this time, we must be prepared and proactive.

    Along with healthy habits, diet, exercise and proactive measures, together we can help keep our community stay strong. 

    As we monitor news reports and school district recommendations, these are the steps we are taking:

    • We clean all common areas including the bathroom, lobby, and practice room daily

    • We wipe down equipment each day with sanitizing wipes

    • We have hand sanitizer available in both the lobby & student lounge

    • We will remind students & any class helpers to wash their hands  

    • Students are requested to bring in their own reusable or disposable water bottle

    • High-Fives as part of the positive reinforcement in our school, will be replaced with elbow taps

    • Self-Defense and student contact will be limited

    • Students who are feeling sick should stay home and do not send your child to school with a fever

    • We will continually revise our plans to meet the needs of our students and families

    • We will continue to provide up to date communications to our students and families

    We also urge everyone to practice general flu and common cold prevention measures as recommended by the CDC:

    • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or sleeve

    • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds

    • Avoid touching your face, nose, eyes, etc.

    • Avoid close contact with people who are sick

    • Stay home if you are feeling sick

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (631)218-8991



Taekwondo . . . it's more than just kicking & punching. Practicing the martial art of Taekwondo is about building your total well-being, physically and emotionally. Let Taekwondo bring out the positive qualities that have always been part of you! 



Taekwondo . . . it's more than just kicking & punching. Practicing the martial art of Taekwondo is about building a your total well-being, physically and emotionally. 

Let Taekwondo bring out the positive qualities that have always been part of you!



Taekwondo . . . it's more than just kicking & punching. Practicing the martial art of Taekwondo is about building your total well-being, physically and emotionally.
Let Taekwondo bring out the positive qualities that have always been part of you! 
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