During the Yi dynasty, 1392 – 1907, in order to promote the art of the general population and not just the military nobility as in the past, the first book, Muye Dobotongji, was written on the art of Soo Bak. This book had kept the art alive for the first half of the dynasty. However, during the next half, the practice of Soo Bak had declined and returned to its original purpose of physical fitness for political conflict and the de-emphasis of military activity led to more pursuits that are scholarly. Once more, the art was practiced in secrecy and was handed down from generation to generation among individual families with limited knowledge.
In 1909, Japan invaded Korea and occupied the country for the next 36 years. During this time, native Koreans were banned from the practice of all military arts. Ironically, this rejuvenated and renewed the growth of Soo Bak. Koreans then formed an underground training and traveled to Buddhist temples to study their martial art, Soo Bak or Taek Kyon. However, some left Korea to China and Japan for work and study, but were exposed to the arts of those countries as well. In 1943, judo, karate, and kung fu were officially introduced and the interest in the martial arts flourished. It was not until 1945 when Korea’s liberation from Japan established its own and known fighting arts. These Korean arts varied due to the influence that the Chinese and Japanese arts had on the Korean masters and how much they had modified over the years.
In 1945, the first kwan (“school”) opened in Seoul. It was named the
Chung Do Kwan. Over the next several years, more schools began to open. They were The Moo Duk Kwan, Yun Moo Kwan, Chang Moo Kwan, Chi Do Kwan, Ji Do Kwan (our style), Song Moo Kwan, Oh Do Kwan, and a few more. Each claimed to teach the traditional Korean martial art, however, each also emphasized a different aspect and soon different names were known for these styles. They were Soo Bak Do, Kwon Bop, (spread by Buddhist monks in China), Kong Soo Do, Tae Soo Do, Tang Soo Do (traditional Korean name), and Dang Soo Do, as well as Taek Kyon.
In addition, in 1945, the Korean Armed Forces was formed and Taek Kyon became a regular part of the military training over the next several years and into the Korean War. The art was further publicized by demonstrations for both the military and general public. Special commando groups, the Black Tigers the most famous of these groups, were martial arts trained soldiers and were formed to fight against the communist forces of North Korea. They performed espionage missions and assassinations. Many had lost their lives during this time. After the Korean War, the Korean 29th Infantry Division was formed in 1953 and was responsible for all Taek Kyon training in the Korean Army. In 1955 Tae Soo Do became a common name for all schools and styles for the benefit of the art and the schools. However, in 1957 the name changed again, this time to the familiar and modern name of Taekwondo, for its similar name to Taek Kyon and for it’s meaning of “the art of kicking and punching”.
In 1961, the Korean Taekwondo Association was formed and sent instructors all over the world to perform demonstrations to governments and the general public. Taekwondo spread from the Korean Army to high schools and universities. The art was everywhere. During the Vietnam War instructors were sent to train the South Vietnamese troops because Taekwondo was know for being an effective fighting art. Soon other government were requesting Korean instructors to train their countries in this art.